Ekska House

Ekska House is situated on Sankt Petri Kyrkogata. It is a half-timbered structure, the western part being built in 1823 and the eastern part in 1826. It is believed that the house originally had a plaster façade, as was the style of the time, and the half-timbers exposed sometime around the 1920’ies. The merchant Jacob Lindschough is thought to be the original owner but the house is named after the Ek family. Professor Johan Gustav Ek and his wife Augusta were registered as the owners in 1857-91. The house once had stable facilities for two horses.
In 1950, the house was purchased by Lund City Council. It was thoroughly renovated in 1973-74 and became headquarters of the Tourist Office. Following further renovation, the City Library’s local collection (the Lund Collection) was moved into the building. In the autumn of 2011, mould was discovered. The Lund Collection is now safely housed in the City Library. Ekska House has subsequently been sanitized but at the time this was written, it was unclear as to what purpose the building should be used.
Ekska House has been a listed building since 1974